It wasn't until I brought this week's photo collection together that I realized the dark trend.

It rained one night this week which made for lovely reflections on the pavement. In this photo I tried being intentional about the interesting mixed light situation from last week.

I missed my chance for a photo this day but I still carried my camera around the house in the evening looking for a photo. The light from the TV made for interesting addition to a common scene around the home.

I love using spot metering to expose for the evening sky and capturing anything in the foreground as a silhouette.

I'm trying my best to stick to the photo every day habit in August. Despite a busy night and seemingly uninteresting subject matter, I made an effort to find a photo.

This photo walk happened late at night with strong winds. I could feel the anxiety that Robert Adams described. At any moment, a sound in the distance can conjure a feeling of dread, but it's all part of the excitement. And I found a classic car—it couldn't get better.

This particular street didn't have a sidewalk so I walked down the middle of the road. I loved the canopy of trees with the streetlights dotting the way forward. When it's this late at night, the roads are quiet and the traffic is rare.

I was happy with the simplified subject matter of this photo. It's a photo of willows, a streetlight, and a car. I always wonder how photos with contemporary cars will age though. Will these cars look classic in a few decades?

There was a better photo here but I missed the opportunity. I walked by and noticed the door of the car and screen door of the home open. The whole scene was dramatic. I was about to lift the camera to my eye but I noticed someone rustling around in the back seat of the car. I already feel like a creep walking around taking photos at night, and capturing someone in this vulnerable position made me feel bad.

Repeating this same walk multiple times has given me a new appreciation for the things I normally pass by. The streetlights make the light glisten like water on the leaves.