I liked the multiple layers and patterns in this scene. There's the door frame, the tree shadows, the tree highlights, and the faint shadows from a distant streetlight.

It was eclipse day and these little half moons were everywhere. It was great taking a cereal box and turning it into a pinhole viewer too.

The partial eclipse viewing was exciting, but it also reminded me about the basics of photography and optics.

I tried using an s-curve composition for this photo. I think it may have been more effective to take a few steps to the left to show a larger portion of the pathway.

I went out around golden hour instead of after sunset this week. It was interesting seeing the usual spots in new light (literally).

I'm exposing for the sky here which is making dark silhouettes in the foreground. I found the car roof worked in a similar way as exposing reflected light on water.

More silhouettes against a gradated sky. These photos don't mean much as one-offs, but they work well in a series of related images.

I tried some more product photography this week. The lighting setup was quick and there's definitely room for improvement, but I'm happy about the background fading away.

A quiet street corner at night. I love how the elements in this picture peek out of the dominantshadows.

Stained glasses windows and the maintenance door of a church. I liked the tension between the elegant stained glass and the messy behind-the-sceneslook.

I fit in a drone flight on the weekend. I'm trying to get a few more flights in before it starts getting too cold to fly. I'm slowly learning the different kinds of drone shots (or tropes, cliches, etc.) and I've found it productive to not get caught up in trying to be original yet.

I purposely left my mirrorless camera at home and went out at night with my iPhone instead. I wasn't sure how the photos would come out with the low light situation, but I found that manually dropping the exposure produced clean images.

I used a manual camera app for iPhone called Halide to shoot in raw, adjust exposure, and adjust focus.